About Us

Wellbeing & Mystic Services

To this point in my life I can best describe it as a rich tapestry woven by so many experiences of personal loss, fear, love, happiness, joy, adding up to now equaling – inner riches.

From my earliest days, I recall often connection with the spirit world in numerous ways.

Throughout my 60 years I have walked many different paths that has taught me spiritual growth, awakening my intuitive psychic and healing abilities.

Through my learnings I have grown in empathy, compassion enabling me to recognize the needs of people individually and the community at hand.

Kathy Smith

Hypnotherapy & Soul Alignments

I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner,
Soul Realignment Practitioner and Confidence Coach. 

I specialise in working with Men & Women, including young adults with addiction, anger & anxiety. 

I enjoy working with people who are ready to break the negative patterns and cycles in their life.

I offer an extensive range of services to support you break free and live the life you truly desire. 

Krystal Grzelak

Spiritual Tribe

Many special people have been instrumental with the synchronicity of amazing events that have helped me to this point of which I am enormously grateful.

My life experience has now become a reality of the creation of Wellbeing & Mystic Services, Wellbeing & Mystic Centre, Wellbeing & Mystic Retreats and Wellbeing & Mystic Festival.

With the intention to inspire, support by giving those souls whom are searching, a safe environment to find their unique self, peace and purpose.


Captured time, treasured moments of spiritual growth!


Read what our satisfied and happy clients have to say about us!

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