
Our Services

At Wellbeing & Mystic Services we offer a variety of services to benefit your wellbeing and expand your spiritual growth.

spirit guide connection


Meditation classes.

Private Readings

Private psychic readings.


Encouraging spiritual growth.

soul realignments


Coming Soon


Hypnotherapy Sessions

Property Realignment

More Information

soul realignments

Intentional Manifestation

More Information

Reiki Healing

Reiki healing sessions.

soul realignments

Soul Realignment

Past Lives & More

Business Realignment

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heart and soul

Heart & Soul Port Stephens

Support for those in need

Mini High-Tea

Scones with tealeaf readings.

relationship realignments

Relationship Realignment

All Relastionships

spirit guide connection

Spirit Guide Connection

Connect to our Spirit Guides

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Meditation Classes

These group sessions attract like minded people searching for self-awareness, peace, purpose and relaxation.

You are warmly welcomed into a safe, non-judgemental and supportive environment, encouraging you to connect with your own unique awareness, truth and knowledge.

The group actively engages in spiritual and wellbeing topics.

Supper or Morning Tea is provided.

I also offer a monthly Crystal Bowl Sound Healing and Chakra Balancing. 

Benefits of Meditation :

  • Increasing imagination and creativity
  • Increasing patience and tolerance
  • Reducing negative emotions
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Building skills to reduce stress
  • Promotes Self-Healing

Session times :

Bookings required.

Golden Indulgence

Golden Indulgence Package $120 per Person

Ultimate indulgence package

Ultimate Indulgence Package $250 Per Person

Private Readings

My unique style of intuitive readings has been developed over 45 years of experience by building relationships with the Tarot, Oracle and Angel cards with the support of my life long intuitive development and connection to my guides and the spirit world.

With this combination and experience my readings are very rich in content and offer guidance both personally and spiritually.

Reiki Healing

I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher.

The Reiki Healing energy that I am attuned is the Usui Shiki Ryoho method originating in Japan over 100 years ago.

This healing energy addresses the whole person on the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.

What is Reiki? This is a natural healing energy passed through formal teachings, specific initiations and levels by a Reiki Master to enable the student to channel the Reiki energy in the form of “hands on healing” to the level of awareness required by the student.

Kindly note : Sessions for Attunements for level 1, 2 and Master Teacher are available through out the year. Information and cost on enquiry.

Mini Mystic High-Tea

These fabulous sessions are suitable for small groups from 2-8 people in the privacy of the tranquil Wellbeing & Mystic Centre. You and your guests will be served delicious warm Devonshire Scones, jam and fresh cream, pots of tea. Following your scones and tea, each of you will receive a Tealeaf reading including a mini – Oracle and Angel card reading.

Session Times

Note : session times can be arranged through week days.

Kindly note – a non-refundable deposit is required, cost on enquiry.

Bookings are essential.


Wellbeing & Mystic Retreats have been successfully running annually for the past few years, with the increase in interest and awareness we now hold them twice (2) per year.

These weekend retreats are for 12 – 20 people, with the intention to relax and to experience a variety of spiritual and wellbeing modalities. The content and activities vary on location and workshop content.

Accommodation depending on venue is normally shared. All meals provided.

Some examples of experiences are set out below.

Wellbeing & Mystic Retreats have been successfully running annually for the past few years, with the increase in interest and awareness we now hold them twice (2) per year.

These weekend retreats are for 12 – 20 people, with the intention to relax and to experience a variety of spiritual and wellbeing modalities. The content and activities vary on location and workshop content.

Accommodation depending on venue is normally shared. All meals provided.

Some examples of experiences are set out below.

Retreat 2022 Group Photo

Non-refundable deposits required. Payment plans available.


Workshops are held in the relaxing ambience of Wellbeing & Mystic Centre.

Throughout the year we have a variety of professional wellbeing and spiritual teachers delivering workshops for intimate groups up to 10 people.

Non-refundable deposits required. Payment plans available.


Krystal at Hunter Hypnosis in Port Stephens is your local Clinical Hypnotherapist specialising in Rapid Transformational Therapy for Anger, Addictions, and Anxiety. 

Whether you are struggling with anger, addiction, or anxiety, Krystal can help.
The diverse range of services are designed to help you break the cycle. 

To get started, book a free consultation and I will be in contact to discuss your options.
Hypnotherapy & Coaching sessions are available online or in person and all energy readings are delivered via video with the option to have your follow up call, in person or online.
I look forward to sharing my work with you and am honored to be part of your journey towards greater well-being

soul realignment

Soul Realignment

Discover what happened in past lives to create the negative karmic patterns that are still running your life today, and then how release them.

Spirit Guide Connection

Akashic Record reading of your personal Spirit Guide Team.

This comprehensive session will let you know how many guides you have, what gifts they bring your experience and where they originate from.

Business Realignment

  • Akashic Record Reading on your businesses current negative Energy.

  • Bring business energies in alignment with your soul to feel the abundance and manifest it
  • Expand your business in alignment with the rate of your soul’s growth

  • Gain clarity on the best actions for your business, right now. 

Relationship Realignment

You will discover what history you have with another Soul and if you have karmic lessons together. This session can be done on all relationships. Partner, Parent, Sibling, Friend etc

relationship realignment

Property Realignment

Akashic Record Reading on your properties current negative Energy.

Gain information into all negative energies running within your property.

Get details on how to effectively clear these negative energies and bring balance back into your property.


intentional manifestation

Intentional Manifestation

Learn how to use manifestation and intentionally bring your needs to fruition.

Get 10% Discount
Enroll for three classes

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